Reducing Administrative Cost

Reducing Administrative Cost

Course Features

  • Location:
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  • Lesson: 0
  • Viewers: 1619
  • Prerequisites: No
  • Skill Level:
  • Course Capacity: 50
  • Start Course:


    • This is a course on how to control and reduce administrative costs without disrupting operations, while at the same time improving office productivity and contributing to the organization’s mission.



 Administrative expenses, also called office-related expenses, are often regarded as necessary evils. Businesses cannot do without them but cannot see how they can directly contribute to productivity, competitiveness, and profitability.

This is a course on how to control and reduce administrative costs without disrupting operations, while at the same time improving office productivity and contributing to the organization’s mission.


Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, the participants will be able to:

  1. Explain that all administrative or office work, just like manufacturing and service operations, are performed through processes with six interrelated elements, and that a failure in any causes mistakes, high costs, and delays.
  2. Learn the concept of “muda” or waste and how it applies to an office environment.
  3. Learn specific techniques, adapted from manufacturing and service operations, for improving office productivity and efficiency.


Target Participants

 The participants should include managers, supervisors, and office staff.

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