Leading People Effectively

Leading People Effectively

Course Features

  • Location:
  • Language:
  • Lesson: 0
  • Viewers: 1739
  • Prerequisites: No
  • Skill Level:
  • Course Capacity: 50
  • Start Course:


    • This workshop discusses the need for self-knowledge before one attempts to lead others.
    • It also discusses the role that situational context plays in determining the type of leadership style one should use.



This workshop discusses the need for self-knowledge before one attempts to lead others.  It also discusses the role that situational context plays in determining the type of leadership style one should use.


Learning Objectives

At the end of the training program, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify events in their individual lives that led them to where they are now
  • Identify shadows that serve to complicate work relationships with their superiors, colleagues and subordinates
  • Identify problem areas in their work units, particularly with performance of individual contributors
  • Map out leadership style strategies with different employees within their work units


Learning Outcomes

Solutions to problem situations and employees, using changes in leadership styles


Target Participants

All managers and supervisors

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